Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Hi, ho, hi, ho: It's back to work I go

Just a quick post to let you know that I'm back at the ABC in Brisbane, doing some casual shifts in the online newsroom.

It's exciting being back in a busy newsroom, one which values journalism, quality writing, and new media technology. And how extra delightful to go from this ...
The old ABC premises in Toowong, photo courtesy of Brisbane Times.

... to this--the new ABC building at Southbank.

Photo courtesy of Weekend Notes.
I'm enjoying getting my head around the digital aspect of online reporting, and I must say I am loving the challenge so far.

Obviously, I'm still tutoring during the school term, writing and researching that historical fiction project, polishing up short stories, writing book reviews for Good Reading magazine, and freelance writing and editing while finishing off three courses this semester in Writing, Editing and Publishing at the University of Queensland.

Okay, that's enough blogging. It's back to work I go.

1 comment:

  1. You go, girl. They say that, if you want a job done, to ask a busy person. You are living testament to that. And, SUCH FUN........all of it.
