Friday, 25 July 2014

Brisbane Writers Festival program out tomorrow!

I've been a busy girl lately. That's because I have been making the most of my uni holidays by working one day a week at the Brisbane Writers Festival doing some grant writing, blogging, organising of partner events, and even getting creative by making a 'chatterbox' complete with instructions (believe it or not, this is a valuable skill I learnt at uni last semester -- writing instructions -- there's more to it than you think). I cut out and folded 53 of the little suckers for a partner event held at GOMA today. A chatterbox to get people talking... get it? (In my day, we called them 'nit-pickers', which probably isn't very nice for a BWF partner event, so let's go with chatterboxes.)

I'm loving my valuable experience at the Brisbane Writers Festival. Readers of my blog will know that I volunteer every year, with more and more of my skills being used to help create a cracking writers festival. This year, I have been asked to moderate some sessions, and there isn't a week that goes by without me walking out of the festival office in South Brisbane with a new release under my arm. To work with lovely people, surrounded by books is bliss!
But the really exciting news is that the BWF program will be in the Courier-Mail tomorrow. Don't miss it. Grab your morning coffee and your highlighter pens, find a sunny spot and plan your trip to the festival, which is happening in the first week of September. I'll see you there!

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